Ph.D. Students
- Uday Deo (registered in 2024), (with Prof.(Dr.) Ajay K. Sharma and Prof.(Dr.) Swades De - Professor IIT Delhi) Domain of work: "Securing BLE Communications" (ongoing).
- Shivank (registered in 2024), (with Prof.(Dr.) Fakhteh Ghanbarnejad - Professor of Computer Science SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences) Domain of work: "Mathematical Modeling of Vector borne Diseases based on Climatic Factors." (ongoing).
- Sonu (registered in 2024), (with Dr. Prashant Kumar) Domain of work: "Epidemic Modelling" (ongoing).
- Kamlesh Kumar Shah (registered in 2023), (with Dr. Prashant Kumar) Domain of work: "Sea Level Rise and its Amplification over the Global Coastline" (ongoing, Comprehensive done).
- Ankur Kumar Singhal (registered in 2022) Domain of work: "Network Reconstruction" (ongoing, Comprehensive done).
- Vibhor Sharma (registered in 2022), Part Time Domain of work: "Video Captioning" (ongoing, Comprehensive done)
- Ramakant Prasad (registered in 2022), (with Dr. Prashant Kumar) Part Time Domain of work: "Wind Wave climate in Indian Ocean" (ongoing, Comprehensive done)
- Rajesh Kumar (registered in Jan. 2017), "Dynamics on Multilayer Networks: Synchronization and Robustness" (Completed on April 28, 2023)
- Eeti (registered in Jan. 2017), "Performance analysis of Opinion Dynamics Models Over Time-Varying Networks" (Completed on May 31, 2022).
- Md. Arquam (registered in Aug. 2016), "Modelling of Disease and Information Dynamics in Complex Networks" (Completed on April 4, 2022).
- Such Kumari (Completed on March 18, 2020), "Modeling and Performance Study of Time-Varying Communication Network: A Complex System Approach". Current Affiliation: Assistant
Professor in Computer Science and Engineering department at Bennet
University, India
M.Tech. Students
- Pankaj Kumar (with Prof.(Dr.) Ajay K. Sharma), topic: "Hitting Time and Consensus in Higher Ordered Network" (2023).
- Anupama Singh, topic: "Community Detection in Complex Networks" (2023).
- Pandla Balakrishna Vijay Kumar, topic: "A Study of Video Captioning using Spatio-temporal attention" (2023).
- Pawan Yadav (with Dr. Chandra Prakash), topic: "Efficient Communication Transportation System Using Federated Learning" (2023).
- Amit Kumar, NIT Delhi, topic: Federated Learning (2021-22).
- Ch Chaitanya, NIT Delhi, topic: Intelligent Transport System for
- Moh Khalid, NIT Delhi, topic: Federated Learning Based Traffic Flow
Prediction Using GCN.
- Rimjhim Agrawal, topic: Temporal Networks (Ongoing).
- Rekha Meena, topic: Community Detection using Spiking Neural Network
- Nitesh Trivedi, topic: Efficient Influence Maximization in Social
Networks Under Independent Cascade Model. Current Affiliation:
Pursuing Ph.D. at IIT Kanpur.
- Nishkal Prakash, topic: Contemporary Political Frontier: Analyzing Trends
in Online Social Media using Politics-Related Data from Twitter.
Current Affiliation: Pursuing Ph.D. at IIT Kharagpur.
- Manish Kumar, topic: Efficient Immunization Strategy Using Overlapping
Community Structure in Networks (2016-18).
- Nidhi Singh, topic: Social Network Analysis and Text Mining on Twitter
(2016-18). Current Affiliation: Data Science Engineer at
Envestnet Data Analytics.
- Rajesh Vashishtha, topic: Network Modeling and Community Detection
Algorithm (2015-2017).
- Mithun, topic: Edge Centrality in Hypergraphs (2015-2017).
- Rahul Goel, topic: Competitive Marketing Strategies in Social Networks
(2015-2017). Current Affiliation: Pursuing Ph.D. at University
of Tartu, Estonia.
- Puspita Majumdar, topic: Cross-Domain Recommender System (2015-2017).
Current Affiliation: Pursuing Ph.D. at IIIT Delhi.
- Debayan Chakraborty, topic: Diffusion Dynamics in Complex Networks Using
Overlapping and Non-Overlapping Community Structures (2014-2016).
Current Affiliation: AI Specialist at AI Research Labs, Accenture.
- Prity Kumari, topic: Computation and Updation of Betweenness Centrality
in Dynamic Network (2014-2016).
- Deepak Malik, topic: Link Prediction in Multiplex Network
(2014-2016). Current Affiliation: Lecturer (CS) in Govt. Co-ed
SSS Sainik Vihar, Delhi.
- Roshan Agarwal, topic: A Rule-Based Improvement to Time Series Model
Output for Short-Term Load Forecasting (2014-2016). Current
Affiliation: Data Science Lead at Impact Analytics, Bangalore.
- Naveen Gupta, topic: Influence and Evolutionary Dynamics on Social
Networks (2013-2015). Joint supervision with Dr. Atul Gupta (PDPM
IIITDM Jabalpur).
B.Tech. Students
- Abhishek Saroha, topic: Study the Structure and Properties of Networks
and Make Performance Enhancements.
- Prajval Koul, topic: Proving/Disproving Li and Li's Conjecture Using
Lovasz Local Lemma.
- Prem Verma, Puneek Kumar, topic: Modeling Competitive and Cooperative
Contagion over Complex Networks.
- Shivam Bathla, Boppana Amulya Sai, topic: Study of Attacks on Various
Operating Systems.
- Mritunjay Mohitesh, Rishu Bhagat, topic: Edge Weight Prediction in
Weighted Signed Networks.
- Sunil Meena, Sanjay Kumar Saini, topic: Implementation of Epidemic
Spreading Model in Human Population Networks.
- Abhishek Adarsh, Pankaj, topic: Public Transportation Network
- Chandrashekhar, Himanshu, Harish, topic: Multiplex Networks
- Arnav, Karan Khanna, Prateek Goyal, topic: Online Auction (2016).
- Mohammad Asif, Vijay Yadav, Md Miran Ahmed Ansari, topic: Robustness of
Real-World Networks Using Community Structure (2016).
- Pushpendra Choudhary, Surjeet Kumar Jaiswal, topic: The Role of
Centrality for the Identification of Influential Spreaders in Complex
Networks (2014).
- Chelmatkari Venkatesh, topic: Attacks on Complex Networks (2014).
- D Girish, topic: Development of Social Media for Collaborative Travelling
- Nellore Manikanta Reddy, topic: Betweenness Centrality in Complex
Networks (2014).
- Archi Sahni, topic: .NET - A Framework (ExpertDoctorForum) (2014).
- D Sandilya, topic: In-Vehicle Infotainment (2014).